Puppy Advice

Preparing for visits to the Vets

Visiting the vets is a necessary part of a dog’s life. Acclimatising your puppy to the handling and some of the other procedures that may happen there can go a long way towards helping them be calm and relaxed at the vets.

Pup being handled
  • Grooming table

To be a good patient, your puppy will need to accept:

  • Handling (informal handling, handling for clinical examination and being handled by strangers)
  • Being on a table
  • Having nails clipped
  • Being muzzled

It's important to practice all of these regularly whilst your puppy is still young.

  • Handling by a stranger

In addition, your veterinary practice may let you visit the surgery with your puppy whilst they are growing up. Take food treats and give them to the staff to give your puppy so they have pleasant encounters with everyone they meet.

If they will let you, or have time to help you, put your puppy up on the table and handle them all over as a vet would to examine them (having first accustomed them to this at home), and put them on the weighing scale so that they get used to this too.

Take advantage of any puppy parties run by your vets. These are a great way to develop a relationship with the staff as well as getting your puppy used to all the sights and smells of the surgery in a relaxed informal way.

Taking the trouble to get your puppy used to the vets early in life will make it much easier to handle if they become sick or injured. Since they will not be so stressed or anxious at the vets, they are likely to be a more compliant patient and to get better more quickly too.

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  • “It was a good experience for both us and Reuben. I think puppy training is valuable for all dogs and owners!”
    —   David
  • “It was just a great course, it helped so much with our confidence in training Lucky correctly, and watching his confidence grow from being super nervous when he started, to the outgoing bundle he is now. Puppy School has been amazing!”
    —   Erica
  • “Claire was really patient and positive. She was really helpful in giving advice tailored to the needs of each puppy and reaffirming always the value of positive reinforcement to help puppies make good choices which felt so much better than some of the 'corrective' techniques recommended by other puppy trainers. Felt like a very supportive positive environment. ”
    —   George
  • “Sarah was great and very knowledgeable. She took the time to listen to each of our individual queries and was available before and after class (and on email!) to answers any issues or queries we were experiencing with our puppy! ”
    —   Billy
  • “Big compliments to Claire! The way she just understands the dogs and being able to explain that has been a game changer. Her knowledge and expertise makes her a great puppy/dog trainer. I am already recommending Claire to everyone! She loves what she does and that shows. Would recommend to everyone with a puppy :)”
    —   Emily