Puppy School Conference

Puppy School Conference

Every 2 years Puppy School holds a 2-day conference in the Forest of Dean. A chance for our tutors, associates, and guests to get together to learn from amazing speakers in the world of dogs and business with plenty opportunities for fun and activities and to catch up with friends and colleagues.
Puppy School Conferece
  • Chatting Puppy School Tutors at ConferenceCatching up with friends!
  • Puppy School Tutors attending workshopEnjoying a workshop
  • 2 days
    2 days
    2 summer days in the beautiful Forest of Dean
  • 80+ attendees
    80+ attendees
    Including Puppy School tutors, associates and like minded friends, families and guests
  • 60+ dogs
    60+ dogs
    All ages and breeds, large and small, young and old
  • 8+ guest speakers
    8+ guest speakers
    Running talks and workshops from on topics from scent detection and dog tricks to personal care and brand development
  • 5 awards for long service
    5 awards for long service
    Awards given to Puppy School tutors and associates for running Puppy School classes for 10,15 or 20 years!
  • 9+ CPD Hours
    9+ CPD Hours
    9 hours of amazing CPD workshops and talks

Continued Professional Development

With 9+ hours of continued professional development (CPD) the Puppy School conference is a great way for our tutors and associates to help fulfill their yearly professional learning to ensure they are up to date with the latest science in dog training. 

  • Mantrailing workshopMantrailing workshop
  • Building a brand workshopBuilding a brand
  • ACE Freework workshopACE Freework
  • Puppy School conference Introduction to the first talk of the day
  • Hoopers WorkshopLearning Hoopers

Previous talks and workshops have included:

  • Galen Myotherapy
  • Parkour
  • Hoopers
  • Brain Games for Classes
  • Real Dog Yoga
  • Heelwork to Music
  • Scent workshops and games
  • And lots, lots more….



Previous speakers have included:

  • Helen Phillips
  • Kay Laurence
  • Rob Hewings
  • Kat Attwood
  • Pam McKinnon
  • Kim Lyddon
  • As well as some of our highly qualified Puppy School tutors.
  • Mantrailing workshop
  • Lost dog tracking workshop
  • puppy school tutors 1

New Recruits

  • New Puppy School RecruitsSome of Puppy School's latest recruits

The Puppy School conference is a great opportunity for our new tutors, associates and trainees to meet our existing members and get to know them personally. We are situated all over the country so don't get many opportunities to meet up in one place.


This year we opened our bookings to likeminded guests and a few potential trainees come along to meet everyone and see what Puppy School is all about.

We are pleased to say that some have joined our other new trainees starting on their Puppy School journey this Autumn! Looking forward to seeing them at the next conference as fully qualified Puppy Tutors.


Before the workshops start on both the Saturday and Sunday morning there is the opportunity for those who like to run to join in the morning canicross. Puppy School Tutor Cat Le Chevalier heads the group around the lovely forest setting.

  • CanirossReady for a morning canicross run!
  • Puppy school photo
  • Freework
  • group photo

Evening Entertainment

  • The Greek Outdoors KitchenGreek BBQ!

On both Friday and Saturday evening Puppy School organise amazing food options for dinner and it is an opportunity for attendees to catch up with friends and make new ones.

Greek BBQ is the delicious option for Saturday night, along with fun quizzes, chatting and awards given for long serving tutors. We also celebrate our achievements over the last 2 years with a prize given to the tutor with the most puppies trained.

This year was also our first full year of Puppy Greetings being included in our syllabus which has been a huge success and helps puppies to calmly greet other puppies. For more information on our syllubus see our classes page.

Long Service Awards

  • Experienced Puppy School tutors celebrating long service for puppy training classesCelebrating long service awards : 65 years combined!

Puppy School is extremely proud of our tutors and associates and at our Saturday night social we celebrate those who have met training milestones with 10,15- and 20-years’ service awards being given out.

This year we had several long service awards to give out totalling an amazing 65 years of training puppies!

Over those combined years of service and commitment to providing high quality, reward-based training, our amazing tutors have trained over 10,000 puppies. What a fabulous achievement!

  • Mel and tutor chatting
  • games in the woods
  • Puppy tutors


Deanwood Holidays, Forest of Dean https://deanwoodholidays.co.uk/ 

Set in the beautiful Forest of Dean, Deanwood Holidays has cottages, camping and a wonderful event space.

Puppy School hire the whole place for the conference so we have use of all inside and outside spaces for our wide range of activities and workshops.


  • Deanwood holidays event space
  • Deanwood cottages
  • Deanwood Barn


Puppy School is delighted to be sponsored by Natures Menu and Mel Sainsbury their Veterinary Technical Learning & Development Specialist attends the conference to give us updates in product lines and to learn from the wide range of talks and workshops.


Find out more about our brilliant Puppy School Classes